
Thinking about life and ghevar

Two day streak, hello, lesgooooo!

I do not want to write in bullet points today. Bullets are for when you have thought things out and you just want to jot them down. Today, however, I want to think and figure something out as I write. So, long-ish paragraphs it is.

If someone were to go through everything I’ve posted on this blog so far, a theme would emerge: The author tries to change something about how she lives her life, to get better, to better, etc etc. Which takes me back to the “homework” @saurabh gave us SoG kids a couple of days back. This exercise. Of course being THE MOST notorious kid to exist, I did not finish it. In all honesty, I do think and chart a lot of these things for myself – so it felt repetitive and boring. Here’s my half-done answer copy though. An interesting thought here was me saying I do not want to buy things. Sure this was my half-sick, sleep-deprived and excessively ambitious brain speaking; I like the idea of it. WHAT IF – FOR THE NEXT TWO YEARS – WHICH IS TILL I GRADUATE IN MAY 2025 – 648 DAYS FROM TODAY – I. SPEND. V. V. LITTLE. MONEY. ON. EVERYTHING. As much as I am tempted to ask how hard could it be, I know the answer is VERY hard. But who would it hurt if I tried? The problem is: I do not know how it will help me. But I’m sure it will. GOOD LUCK AK.

In a world where winds change in the blink of an eye, how can one not be extremely cynical? But also when I’ve been so lucky with the world and its people so far, how can I not be really, really hopeful? My brain breaks when I argue both sides with myself. I do think, however, that being a little cynical, a little scared, a little paranoid, a little anxious is good for you. It keeps you on your toes. Keeps your eyes and ears open. You see, I am very much an old lady when it comes to things like this. Okay with me. The good part is I am not someone who believes themselves to be super trust-the-world but is actually freaking out on the inside – now THAT would be chaotic. (read: Ciao-tick)

A happy little news from my tiny little world is that today I finished 15 days of German on Duolingo. Honestly, the streaks are what kept me going. On days I feel like skipping, I start with one exercise. And then end up doing a few more. I am in the gold league right now, yay! Pooja said I should also find a real class with a tutor too. I agree. But I don’t think I can due to a bunch of socio-economic-geo-political reasons. A Levels, soon.

In college today, we did a bunch of cool things. In media planning, we talked OOH Ads – transit ads, specifically – today. I love the examples they give us. Mostly the crazy and chaotic ones. Air Deccan, Raj Travel, Ragini MMS, Oye Jassi and more. In multimedia production, we started Premier Pro – the issue is we learnt how to make bins and export videos today. Literally just that. But I am sure we will do bigger, cooler things for sure. Digital marketing could do more but not everyone follows. I will probably have to learn more on my own – but the question is: Do I want to make the extra effort? Being in college with gyaan coming from profs is convenient. Am I lazy or am I just pick-and-choosing what I wanna know? Time will tell. Finally, we did a lot of STP things in marketing. Top of mind recall, qual-quant, the likes. Nothing new.

I came back home and just slept. A couple of hours I think And boy was it a delight? My cold was killing me the entire day. By the last class, I was a broken case – watery eyes, super hot, can’t bloody sit up straight, barely can focus. It is fine though. I will live. Anyhow, I woke up and made me some tea. Nope, not a tea person but I needed a warm beverage and hot coffee just does NOT vibe with me. Then, I sat down to get some little work things done. Honestly, not a lot got done. But I am beyond happy to be back. I crib about just being on Canva all the time – I wanna do more – but even that felt nice today. And I got me some Ghevar today – gift from a friend. I LOVE. I think it’s the sugar high typing away right now, hehe.

Oh, I talked to AST from IIM, Ranchi today. She’ll be doing a few things at DD for us. These IIM kids seem to travel a lot. I want to go places too. BUT, I am not doing any trips till I finish SOBA. I decided like a few months back. And so, it is really not happening. But I looking forward to seeing all of the world some day.

On that note, I will go nap.

Yeah, that’s a very weird note to go to bed on.

I’m just sleepy now.

I will wake up early tomorrow but not leave home. But I will go for a walk.

Love and chai,


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  1. Saurabh Garg

    Wah! Streak FTW!

    Also link pooja said so ;p

    Gratitude and Regards, SG / @saurabh +91-9819981337 saurabhgarg.com

    1. Anshika Kushwaha

      why do I not get a notification for all your comments now, weird