Good morning, beautiful, beautiful readers!
Question: When you wake up in the morning, how excited are you about the day ahead? All the projects you’d get to build. All the people you’d say “Hi!” to. All the lessons you’ll learn along the way.
And do you ever have days you dread? I hate the mornings when I wake up and literally dread the day. My yardstick for a happy life is, If you dread more than one day for every 10 days, you need to change something. You might not have to turn your life around in a breath, but good to think about it.
One: How do you feel when you wake up most days?
Two: What’s your tolerable dreadful-days frequency?
Now, on to today’s things.
My coffee didn’t have Ice-Cream.
I really want to understand why my brain felt the need to cry over Atharva forgetting to add ice-cream to my coffee. Women and their hormones. Imagine being sane that way. I could put the world on fire.
Side-note: Something I love saying for my loved ones – “With you and for you, I will put the world on fire.” And honestly, that’s exactly the kinds of people I want in life. Anyone who I would either not put the world on fire for OR who I could not put the world on fire with is just faff.
Side-note 2: I have yummy lunch and this lecture feels endless.
Side-note 3: We’re learning shot division, pan things, track things, etc. I’ve studied this before. Last year. Feels so yucky to be in the same lecture, watching it replay. Absolute waste of time. And the mere sadness of having to repeat a year. Feeling like I missed out on my TTU Making-Cotton-Cultivation-Climate-Friendly-And-Cheap Research Opportunities and the Media Course and the Food Studies Course. Oh! I decided I will not think about it ever again. FORGET FORGET FORGET.
Opportunity to see
In media class they taught us this term: Opportunity to see. For a 5-year old, when ad-placers count how many people the ad reached, they don’t think about who actually saw it. If the ad was around you – and you were super distracted – you’d still be counted as a viewer.
Let me give examples.
- Say you subscribe to the Kidz Herald Newspaper. And it has an ad for Chocos-Moons-&-Stars on page 3. NOW EVEN IF YOU PICKED THE PAPER AND SKIPPED PAGES 2-10 AND NEVER SAW THE CHOCOS AD AND JUMPED TO PAGE 11, YOU WOULD STILL BE COUNTED AS A VIEWER.
- Another one. You’re watching Sasural Simar Ka with your mom. In the ad-break, Washing Powder Nirma TVC plays. But your sister storms into the room with her 10/10 test paper while it was playing and you got distracted praising her. And didn’t pay attention to the TVC on screen. They would still count you as a viewer.
An obvious question is: WHY? Because they say you had the Opportunity To See. As long as you have the OTS, you’re counted. And also because there’s no way to accurately know who flipped to page 3 or who was actually looking at the screen.
So that.
In our Digital Marketing class today, prof played a Dastan Goi video today.
In the off chance you don’t know, Dastan Goi is:
- A 13th century, Urdu art form
- Dastan = Story. Goi = To tell. Story-Telling.
- The story is spoken by a story-teller
Here’s the video we watched. In my 2.5-ish years in Soba, this was the best experience. Digital Marketing and Dastan Goi are two completely different worlds. I don’t many people who’d draw parallels from the two. I was happy with the lecture.
Funny thing is, @Saurabh told me about it sometime last year. And I forgot. Which is sad because what else have I forgotten? What cools things that I came across are lost on me? I don’t want to forget.
In the same discussion we touched upon Ethos-Logos-Pathos. I knew Pathos. I was confused between Ethos and Logos. I don’t think I’ll forget again but that’s what I thought the first time as well. OOF. Slow, again brain :p
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