My LinkedIn bio has a link to my blog saying “documenting daily lessons here” and I never documented any. Must have been a light-bulb moment from a caffeinated night which I didn’t follow through on.
But here’s starting with Day One.
“Kar de mujhe mujh se hi riha”
Kun Faya Kun has a line that goes:
Mujh Pe Karam Sarkar Tera, Araj Tujhe Kar De Mujhe,
Mujhse Hi Riha, Ab Mujhko Bhi Ho Deedar Mera.
We decoded this at SoG today. Now, I won’t explain it – go do your homework. But it’s an interesting thought.
What can you add that is beyond the obvious?
At C4E, I’ve seen C do a lot of hiring conversations. From the first hello to the final welcome home (or the last goodbye, or anything in between) – there are a number of steps to test compatibility.
Part of this process is The Assignment. SG wrote a long-ish notes on paid assignments, here.
I listened in on one such Assignment Review call today. Part of the feedback was a discussion on how, with any task, you should aim to deliver something beyond the obvious.
If I were to ask you for a GTM strat for a startup’s latest projects, you’d cook me up a dish – some timeline, some TG, some social media, some narrative, some USP, e all. Everyone knows that.
I’m not asking you to skip it. I’m asking you not just stop there. What’s the next step? What’s your opinion? What’s an insight an average person might not know? How can you say it differently? Add a little pizzaz, you know?
By pizzaz, I don’t just mean pretty colors and witty copy. Think: How do you ensure the receiver of this assignment (or whatever you offer to the world) finds SOMETHING new? Something they didn’t know without you?
Something beyond the obvious.
Recoding a video.
The best thing about C moving to Bom is being able to do things TOGETHER. Around each other. I’m really happy about that.
Today, we tried recording a serious-ish video message to pitch someone DD as event organisers for a women-only cultural weekender. AND BOY WAS IT HARD?
Spent a total of 20 mins perfecting a 2 minute segment. We laughed and giggled and said silly words and messed up sentences and were uncoordinated and all that. It was fun – yes. But also left me feeling disappointed in my inability to do a quick, already scripted video.
Being unable to do it well only made me sad. Couple of reasons.
One. I want to be able to do whatever we need for DD. And two people in the video was better than one. Felt like a roadblock, but okay.
Two. Disappointed in my general inability to do a good memorise-and-speak-nicely job. Will learn.
[12 Dec]: It felt like a big deal then. Now that I am more rational, I feel fine. Just a messy headspace to be in. Fair enough – should have one of those from time to time.
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