Must say no more often

Good evening.

It’s 11:27 PM. Today’s post HAS to be out before midnight.

I have a few things I want to say, let’s go.

One. My all-nighter days are over.

If you’re a regular reader, you know how I’ve been NOT sleeping the last few days. Many reasons, most my own doing. Well, I think that caught up to me today. I was in college, ready for the day with a long TDL and a fist full of determination. And I could not keep my head to save my life. Or make much sense of whatever was happening around me.

Then, there was a 90-minute break. I had planned to go sit at the Starbucks across and record some reels. I took my notebook + backpack + mics, etc. Got a rickshaw and came back home. And I think I slept for some 6 odd hours. And damn. I finally feel like human now.

I have my lesson. I’m still not doing the best though. Just got a coffee. Will stay up late writing this and finishing some work and practising for my Graphic Design exam tomorrow. But, I no longer want to do this. Must do better.

Two. The next 2 months, I want to say a lot of Nos.

If there’s one priority I have right now — it’s to get in shape. I’m finally at the point of being tired of my own shit. So, yes, I have been trying to eat better and getting more workouts in. And being regular at both. And then, get a good amount of sleep. For health and mind, but particularly my eyes.

The second thing — writing these blogs. They are a one hour thing for me. Excluding today, when I find myself scrambling for time, focused + caffeinated and ready with a couple of things to day. But that.

Third — Doing more with C4E Labs. Making sure we don’t kill the momentum at Decoding Draupadi. More on what it’s up to tomorrow. And The Adulting Podcast. Once a month, putting together a C4E Spotlight Session. That’s the order of how I work on each too.

So, all of this along with college leaves me with very little time. For anything that does not add up. While showering tonight, I wondered, “What if I chose to say No to everything that is not on this list?”

Never thought of it. Never tried it as well. But I am young and I can experiment. And I would love to find out. What would I be + what could I do if I chose to ditch any and all FOMO, say more Nos, stick to my plan for a couple months. Maybe nothing comes out of this. But I will have done it. And I now crave that feeling of having done it. Like I really, really crave that feeling of having written and posted these daily blogs.


Three. A small moment of magic.

When this happened to me this morning, I knew I had to write about it. Because it felt the most perfect.

I like having some music on while I get ready for the day in the morning. Today, because I was in a rush, I only played it on my phone. No speakers. It was in my room, I walked out into the hall, the music felt faded and distant. Very normal. Looked at my Airpods, put them on and et voila — the music seamlessly connected. At the exact distance when the phone audio turned inaudible, my headphones connected. And that felt like magic.

I know, I know — sounds like nothing. But trust me. If it ever were to happen to you, you’d see why my little heart was so happy about it.

Lastly. Micro-thoughts from the day.

  1. Muskaan tweeted a warm thing about these blogs. Felt really nice. Oh, how much I miss her. Infosys, take good care of my girl.
  2. Meeting Divya tomorrow — always a delight. I’m excited to give her my gym updates 😛
  3. Walked some 7k steps and recorded an audio podcast with Saurabh. On the idea of doing 100 things. And thoughts on this tweet from Rohit.
  4. Trivia: Do you know who was the first person to run a 4-minute mile?
  5. Bought myself a tangram and colouring scroll. Little joys.

And that’s all amigos! More tomorrow!

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