Category: Daily Writings
Lemon Rinds
The opening line for yesterday’s unwritten, unpublished blog post was – “I have just had Butter Chicken; the light in my room is a warm yellow; life feels good.” But I could not get myself to writing it. I did write an equally lengthy mail/report to @Saurabh though. To which he (basically) said: If you can write…
Empty desks and stupid rains
I have to start with this: I have not written in so long, it’s not funny. To start with, I missed out on the Stakeholder Report for May. I hate it. Is 21st June too late to report you of my May? I don’t think so. Tell me? — Today I want to talk about…
New home, birthday and routines
I have exactly 20 minutes to write before the calendar clocks in. I’d spend till 2:30 last night figuring out Instagram’s reel editor, writing a couple of LinkedIn posts and setting up video-settings on my phone and laptop because I plan on recording a lot of podcasts and sit-down chatty videos this summer. Haha –…
In the Growth Session yesterday, we talked about growth. How do you know you’re growing, how do you set goals, what does growth even look like — all those things. Got me thinking. For as long as I remember, I have always wanted to + work towards getting better. Perpetual levelling up. It started off…
Becoming That Bitch
Every single piece that I have started with a good evening has never gone out. But this evening is different. It had the prettiest, most magical skies. And I am determined. So, good evening! People actually read these blogs. Most of these are just my fuckery on the Internet. To please my whims and fancy.…
Steamroller in a field of flowers
Last few days, I have consumed or been a part of many interesting conversations. Let me distil them for you. One. FOMO + Sifting. @saurabh sent me this. And this. And this. And a question came to mind. “Do you find a million cool people and read all their cool work? Or random? If A, then how…
Finding love in 2024
Written on Jan 11. Posted on Jan 27. Edited thrice in between. Lunch break just ended and I have my earphones blasting Mika’s Mast Kalander. Kids are flooding in with tiny snacks and big coffees. I can’t hear them talk – it’s like an Instagram story with some super-thought-out, vibey music. And it is nothing…
Writing is a thinking tool
I will not be led astray by emotions. Simply put: I whiled on and off the Internet for some four hours today before I finally sat down to write. And I already knew what I wanted to talk about but that looming reminder in my head was unkind and stole the fun + charm of…