Category: Daily Writings

  • 2024. Pilot.

    I am finally home. Had Sem 3.2 exams in December and flew to Gorakhpur the very next day. And there, I gave into the laziness and chose hanging around + snacking with friends more often than I chose work. Or reading. Or writing. Which was nice. My brain needed a breather. And a little wiggle…

  • My name is Anshika. And I was born in 2003.

    Greetings of the day. (Ref to yesterday’s post) Pre-Ps: Decode the blog title :p Mother Taylor’s 1989 – HER VERSION – just dropped. And the world is falling back in place. That’s the album that pulled me into the fandom. It was a fun cycling evening. I came home to grab some water for me and the…

  • On writing (dot com?)

    My first encounter with a Greetings-of-the-day email was at 16. I read it on Fufs’ laptop. And mocked him a lot – I thought wasn’t cool, wasn’t ✨ giving. ✨ Today at 12:18 AM of October 27, 2023, I think it is the most rational choice. A blanket wish. The only problem is – it is…

  • Working this weekend

    Nothing went out on the blog this past week and I am mini-upset about it. I was in a mental/emotional rut and low-energy (thank God for female hormone cycles) and a little occupied with college things. And I hate making that excuse. I want to be better than that. Phew. Oh but I did have…

  • You can tip over from your high-chair

    Hi! I am starting to write this at 7:33 AM in the rikshaw on my way to Saki Naka Metro. It’s just 10 minutes away from home if I leave REALLY early. I’m okay with that. It’s motivation for not snoozing through the morning. I’ve started writing in chunks and free pockets. Which means most…

  • Friday. Let’s get things done!

    So first I thought I will skip writing this because I am tired. Then I chose to cancel that excuse. Then I thought I’ll angry + lame talk because I am cranky/upset + lazy. Then I decided if someone – anyone — ANY. ONE. — in the world reads this, I should do an honest…

  • Big girl, big world.

    HAYIIEEEE! Good morning. I am back after a couple of days. I hate it. Not being back, but taking days off. ANYHOW. I forgot my earphones at home today. So I got new ones to avoid being irritated through the day. And they work unbelievably well?? What was all this Apple drama then? They’re LOUD…

  • Top of the morning!

    Top of the morning to you! (Brings you coffee and a sunflower) Since yesterday’s vibe out and today’s vibe back in, a bunch of things happened. The best being I spent time with a close friend. After a month or so. Now this won’t be ultra-exciting on adult parameters but I’m just learning. I mean…

  • Vibed out.

    OKAY SO TIME FLIES LIKE fast. Last I was here was 6 days back. Then, little sick – little long day – little college busy, and then I did not write. I tried. Here’s the random draft, in case you want more of my crappy crap :p On to today. I have a day off. My mind…