Category: Daily Writings
Bad day today :/
Hello! My eyes and cheeks and jaws and tongue and pre-frontal cortex feel CLENCHED right now. Mostly happens when I am upset, tired and feeling meh about myself. Right now, it’s a combination of all three. Upset: Lost my glittery pouch + feeling mini-behind on something Tired: Bad sleep I think Feeling meh about myself:…
Mornings, climate convos and being better
Good morning! I love my mornings. It’s like having a couple extra hours for myself – which nobody else has. Nobody will text me. Nobody will need my thoughts on things. Nobody will tell me this is not the right way to be. I can pick my spot in coffee shops. I can sit on…
On yesterday.
Goooooood morning, sunshines! It is morning in my part of the world. I have my PS-Cold Brew, left home in just 40 mins, little traffic, finished the YC video, sorted most of the mini-roadblocks on Daily DD things and I. AM. HAPPY. Yesterday was Ganpati Day 1. I ended up visiting a bunch of people.…
Sept 18, mostly a rant.
Welcome to the next 5 minutes of your life. Here are a couple of thoughts. I am back to the healthy eating and daily writing bit. So C was flying out and Adi was flying in last Saturday. Which meant a bunch of goodbye, say-hello-to-bom and i’ll-miss-you meals. And you don’t do them healthily. Not…
What did you last finish doing?
Hayyyiiieee! I am really tired right now. I woke up around 7-ish. Had an okay-ish day. Emotionally – great. Am I happy with what I got done? Not so much. Got a little drenched in the morning and a total of 12 minutes late which really irked me. I don’t want to be so annoyed…
“How do you bounce back so easily?”
Hello, hello! For some reason, I always feel the need to justify the bullet point nature of these posts. Today, let’s just go with “Here’s what’s been up:” Here’s what’s been up: My new health-ier eating adventure. Burrito bowl – no sour cream or salsa. Fruits. More fruits. Juice. And an espresso frappe. Also walked…
Sunday. 20 Aug. Notes.
Hello, hello! I have had a nice day: it was good and bad and great and okay and all of that. Here are some thoughts from today I want to put down. Night, AK!
Thinking about life and ghevar
Two day streak, hello, lesgooooo! I do not want to write in bullet points today. Bullets are for when you have thought things out and you just want to jot them down. Today, however, I want to think and figure something out as I write. So, long-ish paragraphs it is. If someone were to go…
Che La Luna and other things
Hi, here are some thoughts. See you, dear reader. Love, AK! Fun fact: The featured image is of a boat on Lake Como. I am quite obsessed with Como lately.