Category: Daily Writings
I do not ever want to feel stuck in the same place for seemingly endless time
I was born in Gorakhpur, brought up by the Internet. As a kid, school was my first home. However, once I left it, I didn’t go back for five whole years, until recently. It was comforting to go back to the familiarity: the teachers, the staff, the buildings, the sun rising from the East. I…
The most creative people isolate.
As a creative person, I can vouch that the best ideas come when you’ve fully given yourself to the moment. To the people. To life. But the journey from inspiration to finally serving a masterpiece needs you to lock out everything and do the doing. Away from the world and its expectations. Away from the…
Why women’s leadership is key to climate action in South Asia?
Climate change is a threat multiplier for women. While 3.5 billion daily lives are reported highly vulnerable to climate change globally (by the Atlas of Human Suffering report), women are 14x more likely to be killed in a natural disaster. When communities are displaced after a disaster, women with less access to financial freedom find…
Dear Diary: Literally a diary entry
I come back after a hiatus. I have been struggling with consistency and in all honesty I am embarrassed about it. Today has been a fairly decent day. It’s 1:01 AM and I am listening to Last Kiss and reminiscing a few old days. While I really wanted to ditch this and go to bed,…
What I learnt in Jan: Creative Bullshitting and Work systems
I procrastinate. A lot. And I am extremely embarrassed about it. When I list out my life goals today, I say things like “I want to be a UN representative, I want to be a sustainability and feminism leader, I want to be a reef cultivator, I want a certain $140 Million house and whatnot.”…
If you can google it, it’s a stupid question.
I was at a beautiful dinner table the other day when a friend said something about not asking tiny, technical questions you can simply Google the answers to. It hit me then – Knowing when, what and how to Google is a superpower, an unfair advantage in disguise. My Googling journey began when I got…
Leg piece for the men: Petty patriarchy
When on a lunch date my friend served me the leg piece of our Achaari Chicken Tikka Masala, recollections of an old childhood memory flashed before me. On the days chicken was cooked, I remember the leg piece being saved for my father or my brother. On rare occasions, it would be mine even. But…
A friend told me this
I will start this piece with an excerpt from a writing-my-heart-out session I did 24 hours ago. “I have tried to take my college episode well but god knows it I am struggling in my own ways. I want to be ‘Oh-I-will-make-the-best-of-this’ but all I feel is a sense of time passing faster than I…
Pivoting: How to deal with rock-bottoms
If there is one thing I have 100% learnt last year, it is To Pivot. Chop, chop, pivot. I am a dreamer, which goes to say I am a planner. Sometimes (read: secretly all the time) anally so. And hence, when plans go off-track and dreams seem to die, I find myself crumbling on the…