Category: Personal Essays
Writing is a thinking tool
I will not be led astray by emotions. Simply put: I whiled on and off the Internet for some four hours today before I finally sat down to write. And I already knew what I wanted to talk about but that looming reminder in my head was unkind and stole the fun + charm of…
2024. Pilot.
I am finally home. Had Sem 3.2 exams in December and flew to Gorakhpur the very next day. And there, I gave into the laziness and chose hanging around + snacking with friends more often than I chose work. Or reading. Or writing. Which was nice. My brain needed a breather. And a little wiggle…
Action for agency
Of the 1000s of thoughts I had today, agency is the one thing I keep circling back to. Women’s agency – the lack of it. Growing up, I’ve had very little of it. And I was at peace with it. Because I had believed I would get more with age. Like most things in life.…
My name is Anshika. And I was born in 2003.
Greetings of the day. (Ref to yesterday’s post) Pre-Ps: Decode the blog title :p Mother Taylor’s 1989 – HER VERSION – just dropped. And the world is falling back in place. That’s the album that pulled me into the fandom. It was a fun cycling evening. I came home to grab some water for me and the…
On writing (dot com?)
My first encounter with a Greetings-of-the-day email was at 16. I read it on Fufs’ laptop. And mocked him a lot – I thought wasn’t cool, wasn’t ✨ giving. ✨ Today at 12:18 AM of October 27, 2023, I think it is the most rational choice. A blanket wish. The only problem is – it is…
Working this weekend
Nothing went out on the blog this past week and I am mini-upset about it. I was in a mental/emotional rut and low-energy (thank God for female hormone cycles) and a little occupied with college things. And I hate making that excuse. I want to be better than that. Phew. Oh but I did have…
You can tip over from your high-chair
Hi! I am starting to write this at 7:33 AM in the rikshaw on my way to Saki Naka Metro. It’s just 10 minutes away from home if I leave REALLY early. I’m okay with that. It’s motivation for not snoozing through the morning. I’ve started writing in chunks and free pockets. Which means most…
Friday. Let’s get things done!
So first I thought I will skip writing this because I am tired. Then I chose to cancel that excuse. Then I thought I’ll angry + lame talk because I am cranky/upset + lazy. Then I decided if someone – anyone — ANY. ONE. — in the world reads this, I should do an honest…
Big girl, big world.
HAYIIEEEE! Good morning. I am back after a couple of days. I hate it. Not being back, but taking days off. ANYHOW. I forgot my earphones at home today. So I got new ones to avoid being irritated through the day. And they work unbelievably well?? What was all this Apple drama then? They’re LOUD…