Category: Uncategorized

  • Last woman standing

    Morning from Advent Neel! I woke up early (6 AM) for just this. To find a moment to write my thoughts down. Anything at all. I made a whole plan for this day — what would my super-ideal March 20, 2024 look like? It’s on a Post-it called The Plan. I borrowed the name from Mr Williams,…

  • What would you fill your home with?

    ((I do not have a place to post this so blog it is)) Tired, yesterday I went back home to a not-so-warm house. And it was then I decided that when I have a house of my own, I’d fill it with a whole lot of warmth. This should be an Unblock prompt: What would…

  • 180k Impressions

    (No, it’s not one of those dream life posts) – 0/ The primary goal was not to have a massive following to no end. I wanted to build a distribution for myself. Access to the right people – people who would help DD progress. Vanity metrics (followers, impressions, engagement) are merely a proxy for distribution.…

  • Hello, December!

    So it’s been a long while. I don’t know how to write an interesting opening for any of these posts. I’ll just dive into the latest haps from my life. Sweet, sweet sugar. I have BIG sugar problem. No, nothing with a real medical diagnosis but I do have a lot of it. A tiny…

  • My thing is nothing

    I sat down with some fancy pink Glendalough and sat down at my sad little desk. Opened my laptop and there were three 11:11s I could see on my screen. What is the message, Universe? So remember how I was so excited about my Sunday? All that I could do and all the joy that…

  • Thoughts.

    Good morning, beautiful, beautiful readers! Question: When you wake up in the morning, how excited are you about the day ahead? All the projects you’d get to build. All the people you’d say “Hi!” to. All the lessons you’ll learn along the way. And do you ever have days you dread? I hate the mornings…


    Hello, hello! Here are some scattered thoughts because: One. All my thoughts are basically one single line and I am not very much of an elaborator. Two. I can’t do ultra-seemless transitions like Prak or Wordsworth. I’ve decided to make CONSISTENT, HEALTHIER food choices. The holy irony is that I write this while sipping on…

  • Hello, hello!

    Hello, hello!

    Well, hello there! AK back to the Internet, reporting live from her very own Tian Starbucks. To begin with, I have a number of complaints with this new set up they have. First: Where is my big table? I need more space for my arms and notebooks and watch and bracelets and drink and food…

  • One year later: This piece is probably too honest to be on the Internet – pt 1

    One year later: This piece is probably too honest to be on the Internet – pt 1

    Every single promise that you make to yourself and do not keep gnaws on you. Chisels you into a loser. I strongly believe in this. So every time I pledge to some form of consistency or discipline and fail to live up to my word, I lose one tiny unit of trust in my ability…