Checking in: 9th Sunday of April, 2023

Happy Easter folks. How are you doing? I aim to write something and post it – so here goes.


The best writing advice for days I have writer’s block: Write about your day. There is always content. Always a story. You will always have layers, thoughts and nuance. Plus, you get some clarity and it is therapeutic. I don’t think I talk enough about how this has helped me particularly. Really simple and useful. I guess that’s how all great things work – they’re simple and useful. BOOM.


I saw a picture of my school friends – back home in Gorakhpur – hanging out. For a moment I wished I had stayed there. The comfort, the familiarity and the idea of living a picture-perfect, hallmark-movie-like dream of a super tight bunch with a buzzing group chat, growing up together lures me.

But then, I remember I am meant to have a bigger, fuller life. I have always wanted that for myself. I have always wanted to do more things. (Cue: We could be heroes/Alesso) Great things. Things that I couldn’t have done there. So, I am confident that Mumbai (for now) is a promising choice.

Also that life today looks better than I thought was possible so soon. So that.


I have been trying to get out of the Weekends-mean-Vacation frame of mind. In my 20 years, I have grown up seeing and living that. I am not ashamed of that. Somehow, I never thought of looking at things differently. I am disappointed in myself for that.

I am not proposing a no-breaks routine. All I mean is – Sunday is just like any other day. Why does the world collectively decide that they can spend just that one-day lazing and chilling, but not others? I am sure everyone has made peace with the “rule” and found comfortable reasons to live with it.

Lucky for me, I am in a phase of life with insane freedom and fluidity of schedule. (I am, sadly, exploiting it to bits and not making any good use of it. Being more mindful now.) So, with my ultra-open and convenient lack of schedule kind of days, I want to find balance in being able to work on all days. And find time to do things of joy too – swimming, dressing up and going out for a quick meal, etc.

I just do not want to waste my weekends chasing mindless hedonistic pleasures – which is what I did yesterday and I hate it. The next week feels disoriented now. Fixing.

The point is: I want to be acting on all days. No weekend vacations.


The coffee. This is what distracted me while writing point 3 and I couldn’t do justice to it. I will talk more about how no-weekend-vacays is going for me, so no harm.

Coming back to the coffee: Ginger ale and cold brew. O.M.G.

I saw the people at Starbucks I am at making it. They start serving on Tuesday and it’s Sunday today. My legs are tingling and I CAN NOT WAIT. I really wish I was still a cute 12yo kid who could throw senseless tantrums and get my way.

Adulting isn’t treating me well.


Very few things unite the country: mangoes, cricket, bollywood. I say this because I just found out Starbucks is coming back with its Mango Frappes. Come mid-April, all metro brands go mango-mango-mango.

Somehow I do not like any of these – mangoes, cricket, bollywood. Is this me intentionally rejecting all things mainstream? Doesn’t this become an archetype like @paulg said in What you can’t say? It’s an old, wrinkly conundrum with no resolution – I am not looking for any though. I just want a better understanding of what I am doing.

But hey, I like Taylor Swift.

That’s it. I got distracted and if I force myself to continue typing further, I’ll probably mumble random whacky things. I wouldn’t feel great if you read it. So, full stop.

See you around,


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