So it’s been a long while. I don’t know how to write an interesting opening for any of these posts. I’ll just dive into the latest haps from my life.
Sweet, sweet sugar.
I have BIG sugar problem. No, nothing with a real medical diagnosis but I do have a lot of it. A tiny treat in the morning, with all my meals, random chocolates, coffees, midnight snacking – it is bad. My general approach with all my life problems is to figure out the Whys and do something about them. I couldn’t figure my sugar thing.
But I know that it is bad. So I decided to simply cut out my tiny treats. I still do the rice and milk things. But no pretty candies and yoga bars and all that.
And it is hard. Just last night, around 11 PM, I was scavenging my kitchen for some smol treat. Settled with a quarter teaspoon of Nutella.
My lists.
I have decided to buy as little shiny, new toys as I can. Random wants.
So, I made a list on my phone. It’s called “List of wants.”
Whenever I want a new thing, I just put it on my list. I will either get them later (undecided on what that later is) or use it as my Christmas gift list or probably just cancel things out.
Same with sugar cravings. Whatever I feel like having in the moment, I will put on my list. I could go back to it later. When I have more “sugar-budget” left.
I love this system. So that.
College continues.
There are so many keywords when it comes to my college stories: Attendance, assignments, the kids, profs and friendships.
Attendance: I am well above the mandated 85%. A glowing 100, in fact.
Assignments: Most went well. Group projects are tougher nuts to crack. But I’ve been learning. Mostly that people will almost always work on the last night of assignment. So make time and space for that instead of cribbing about it.
The kids: I am not a fan of most. SOBA is a cohort really interesting personalities. But also really passive. I do not wake up in the morning feeling excited to go see them.
Profs and friendships: It’s a silly thing. I have officially spent too much time in my college. Made friends with EEEEVVEEEERRYYYONE. The guards take me with no IDs. I get all my attendance all the time. Good scores. All that.
Did I ever tell the world I also the Class Rep – it’s a crazy fun, stu-co job. Best one, in fact.
C moved to bom.
This is my coolest, funnest, factual, real toy.
We can do more work together. Record podcasts, brainstorm, write, re-write, fight, crib, dinner, dance, etc – it is WAY better offline than it could ever be online.
That’s all!
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