March tees are on sale

Good evening from Leaping Windows.

Yep – I’m back here. Despite all the times I’ve come here and fought with my company and left for home mid-dinner. This is an attempt to rewrite that. And also get some Salaad chat for dinner. And finally go see the library space on the ground floor. I did actually. PFA the postcard. Wonder what the space is used for. I know some lowkey stand-up events happen there. Have, on occasion, bumped into some famous names. And seen posters. But what else?

Either ways — it’s a cute space. All this while, I’ve never had a place to go on a bad day in Mumbai. I could make this my reclusion spot but damn, the utter lack of windows is terrible. Anyhow, love a cute book-place in the hood. Kitaab ghar is one too. Yet to go and say hi to Amal there.

Without more ado, here are a few thoughts from my day.

One. Never take access to people for granted.

Saurabh once told me something wise about it that I can’t seem to recall. But here’s my take. If you ever want to borrow time, money, effort, favours, whatever from people —- that is, if you have the space and access to be able to do that, respect it. Especially busy, senior, important people. You know the kind.

What do I mean by respect? Tiny things. Do not cry wolf. Go to them with homework. Be on time. Think things through; try to. All that. I don’t have much to say on this. Pretty self-explanatory. But remember, whichever chances you take with people, make sure they are worthwhile. Don’t lose face. Don’t lose access.

Am I guilty of messing up on this? A countless number of times. And terribly so. But I live to learn.

Two. March tees are on sale.

If you don’t know what March tees are, I’m excited for you. You’d have the chance to find them and dig through Sukh’s old YouTube videos and appreciate their marketing for the first time. I was like a little kid in candy-land when I found them for the first time.

SG had bought a few of those tees. All the wrong size. I took one. At first, I loved the product. Extremely plain. Rich colours. Soft. The hems looked like they would hold shape even after being subjected to my usage patterns. And they did.

Then, I came home and looked them. Loved all that they were up to. Bought into Duggal’s story and vision. And the bold claims of making the world’s best T-shirts. I’ve been a part of their story ever since. In fact, I wrote this public love letter some four months back but never really posted it online. Should you like to read. If someone can send this to the team for me, hehe.

Good for them and a little sad for me — they stopped selling the women’s collection. Appreciate the focus but I need my cool shirt collection please. Haven’t followed them as regularly since. However, SG tweeted that they are one sale today. I took my size and sent links to all the colours I like on the family WhatsApp group. Now, we wait 😛

A friend saw me doing this mid-lecture and asked why I really like them? The honest answer is a mix of product and narrative and content and execution. I have a crush on the brains of the team who run this mill. And my love for no loud brands + simple, solid, sexy t-shirts.

Three. I woke up looking forward to the day.

I always love waking up with this feeling. Of wonder and excitement. Looking forward to all I could make of the day. See what it’s got in store for me.

Remember two days back when I said I would not do all nighters. Well, last night, I only got some 90 mins of zzzs in. You gotta do what you gotta do. And yet, I woke up with energy, feeling fresh and upbeat about the day. Pleasant surprise.

At 10:15 PM, I can report this to you — I have had a lovely day. Got some work done. Excited for more. A few things I’ve been working on seem to be shaping up. Excited. Very! Met some people, texted some old friends, learnt some new things in the retail management lecture. I will write about them tomorrow. With more research. Today, as has been the case last few days, I’m on a time crunch. Oh, also did my first attempt at communication with someone to clear the air. And oh, it’s freeing. The grey hairs were right.

Closed the day with a hearty, happy, healthy meal. Will go back home, pack for gym and go to bed. Or maybe, wrap a little more work, then watch some silly videos and fall asleep doing that.

Lastly. Micro-thoughts from the day.

  1. I got my period today. It’s on time. And no cramps at all this time. Or any other symptoms for that matter. Maybe it’s the gym and attempts-at-healthy-eating that have been working.
  2. I have a funny quirky thing now. If I sleep under the running fan, I fall sick. It has to be an AC. Which is often too cold for me. So I wear a hoodie to cover my ears + keep me warm.
    1. As a consequence of this, I have to keep having warm fluids through the day to keep my throat warm and comforted. You know what I mean? And at Jamjar, chai comes the quickest. They’ve got premixes. So I’m a chai girl now. Prak, you reading this?
  3. Mumbai afternoons are practically boiling right now. The 40 minutes I spend coming back home in the rickshaw are the most draining part of my day.
  4. Ate a super yummers pan-seared tilapia for lunch.
  5. Tomorrow’s college has got a one-hour break between lectures. Maybe I’ll record something. You could ask me where all this content is going. You’ll see 😛
  6. Worked on a sticker-collection for the all bombs we have at C4E. Need to make them into social objects now. Let’s see how fast we can ship this.
  7. Was reading up on personality-based dating and community apps. Found Boo The App. Cute name. Another interesting thing I found was the tons of communities they have on MBTI-based dating apps. And other make-a-friend apps. Wow? We really must be lonely.
  8. Oh also, I have a WhatsApp Business now. So cool?

This is all from the day. See you tomorrow!

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