On creating, fucking around and standards.

Ever since I have come back from Lonavala, I have defaulted to consumption rather than creation. I’ve read books and newsletters and reports. I have watched YouTube videos and documentaries and movies and music films. I have thought of making something – anything – but I keep crawling into the safe, delusional world of consuming. Rather than risking it and putting out anything.

Of course, I do not like it. While I have never categorised what I do into consumption/creation, I know all my life I have loved making things. Brownies, sand-houses, poems, paintings, organisation systems, butter chicken, wool fuzzies, etc and etc. And I love it. I love being lazy and to while and read and watch – sure. It’s brilliant. I would never want to lead a vacay-girlie lifestyle of reading a murder mystery on a hammock all day.

Anyhow, we are SO back. I will be putting out so much more in the world. Watch?

March 19: When I when to college yesterday, they made us do product photography and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Here’s a video you must check out: Click me!


Somehow, all my bouts of insane creativity coincide with some exam period. I have my college internals this week. And this. Most times it is running away from the boredom of cramming the duration of Google video ad formats. But I think,this time I honestly want to break out of slump.


Really early mornings

I must say — I love super early mornings when the world has not woken up. And no one is around to bother me. The 1AM to 8AM in the morning part of days is literally the best. In my ideal world, I’d work alone between 1 AM – 8 AM. Sleep till 4 in the afternoon. Meet people and do worldly things from 4PM to 11 PM. I am convinced it would work out brilliantly.

Maybe when I finally graduate?

Side note: These days, I get too excited about finally finishing my degree. I have no plans for what I do after college. But maybe leave the country soon after? Idk??


It has come to my attention that not everyone has watched the Fuck Around & Find Out video.

I am not sure of the context for this video but I do think ever kid on the Internet should learn this: The more you fuck around, the more you find out. I was telling Serah about this a few days back. I did give her a really wise + sensible monologue which I wish I’d recorded.

Here’s a summary: Life is probably an elimination game. You try a bunch of things — keep what works, drop what does not. Over time, you arrive at a checklist to pick your things better. Heuristics, as Simon would tell you. And then, you have a litmus test for everything in life.

But life is infinitely huge. And most people want a big life. So you probably have to try a lot of things. So, your best bet is to diverge pro max – try it all. Well, as much of all that you can before you start converging.

But you need to diverge before you converge. You need to try both pizza AND pasta before you decide pasta is your favourite thing.

Until then, keep an open mind!

Assume that I can so maybe I will

Coordown makes some of the best films for Down Syndrome Awareness ever year. This year it is called: Assume that I can, so maybe I will.

It seems to have cracked, if not broken, the Internet. And yes, I love it.

Now think outside of people with disabilities, but anyone in the world.

I have always thought about the idea of this — holding people to higher expectations and potential and standards. Not limiting all they could do because you slotted them and only made so much space for them in your minds.

Probably the greatest service you could do to people is to hold them to the highest standards. To expect the best out of them. And not be surprised but just see it coming when they bloom. You know what I mean?

That’s all!

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  1. SG

    Few things

    1/ Love the post

    2/ Why it coincides with exams cos you get bored with those and you need to let out your inner demon. So that.

    3/ watching you put more things out there.

    4/ lets record our next podcast? Let’s talk about this FAFO vid?

    5/ ILY

    1. Anshika Kushwaha

      1/ 🙂

      2/ ya maybe. VERY BORING. phew.

      3/ ooooooooops

      4/ DONE. Me will make an outline.

      5/ this should have been a 0/.