
Top of the morning!

Top of the morning to you!

(Brings you coffee and a sunflower)

Since yesterday’s vibe out and today’s vibe back in, a bunch of things happened.

The best being I spent time with a close friend. After a month or so. Now this won’t be ultra-exciting on adult parameters but I’m just learning. I mean – how can you go from spending ALL DAY together as kids to not being able call them for days on end? But fine. As every time – went to a 2-3 places in a row: Belgian Waffle, Social and Cafe Holiday. (And I ate healthily everywhere!)

The ABSOLUTE WORST being my messy time planning. Now I won’t rant out the details but I did one silly mess up and I couldn’t do my Growth Session. AND I HATED IT. It sucks even more because I could have – 100% – avoided it. But no. I clearly didn’t have the sensibilities. While I am a very moisturised, unbothered and in-my-lane person on most days, I will be the most stirred up if I slip up on my compass. Which was yesterday. So that.

After a mini-crying-and-cribbing-session, I made me some chai (the coffee process is very hard – I can explain if you’re interested.) One, it was nice for my throat. Two, it gave me a caffeine fix for my revenge-work session. I did a bunch of things before I fell asleep. I don’t even remember when or how. I just dozed off on my keypad. But I needed that to not break my head.

I’ve come to realise most of my operations are super irrational and un-advisable. I’ll learn things because I see something fun (and I mean fun) and when I can not do it, I get hell-bent on learning how. Once I know how, I might not go ahead and make it. But I have to know the path at least. (I WANT TO CHANGE THIS – TO SOME DEGREE.) If I am irked or upset with myself, I’ll sit down to work. To make up for it. I keep learning in the constant fear turning obsolete. And more. Point is: My drives are mostly senseless. They’re just random trips. Now this is just an observation. Whether this is a good thing or bad, I don’t know. Thoughts, someone?

Oh, yesterday I took my first bus non-ride with Ved. Let me explain. So, except for school buses, I’ve not been on a bus yet. Like the city-travel-bus kind of things. I’ve always wanted to, of course. But they just seem so stuffed and unruly, I don’t do it by myself. (Now that I write it here, it just sounds weird. I think I will go take one by myself now.) So, Ved offered to take me on one. And of course I said yes. We walked up to the bus station and stood. The next bus would come in 5 mins. We wait. A2863 or some random number. I am excited and jumpy and looking around. Ved says, It’s coming. I see a truck pass by. But no bus. I look FAAAAAAAR down the road and there’s a truck. Probably it’s behind that truck? I get on tippy-toes which, if I understood geometry and physics, was of no help. I could only trust the Chalo app. 4 more minutes pass by. But in the 5th minute, lo and behold, there’s a bus. AND IT IS AS EMPTY AS IT COULD BE. And it was A2863, indeed.

MY FIRST BUS WAS HERE. The conductor said something to us but I ignored. I didn’t have time for small talk before my first bus ride. I am happy and excited and jump in. Ved takes half a step. The man says louder – Ye nahi jayegi! UGH???? So we jumped out 🙁 We did a second round of the waiting process: Check app – see truck – tippy toes – bus is late – bus comes. This time it was so full, ‘twas a miracle it did not tip over! We did not bother getting on it. It did, however, stay on the stop for 5 whole minutes. People were fighting with the conductor to take them in. The wonders in this country, I swear!

Now, we just took a rickshaw and went to Scrumptious. Had a hearty meal. Went home happy.

Anyhow, back to today. I have the house to myself today. I have a day off for Eid. If they gave us the Saturday too, it could be a LLOOOOOOOOONG weekend. But no! Soba had to Soba. But fine. I think I have made a little more peace with it. For today, I want to do work chill-ly. I don’t have anywhere to be. I don’t have to bother about traffic. Or going back home. Or hosting someone. I am simply alone. And since I woke up with a calmer-than-usual mind, I might actually get nice stuff done. We’ll find out.

I shall update you tomorrow.

See you then.


AK <3

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