((I do not have a place to post this so blog it is))
Tired, yesterday I went back home to a not-so-warm house.
And it was then I decided that when I have a house of my own, I’d fill it with a whole lot of warmth.
This should be an Unblock prompt: What would you fill your house with?
I’d say –
One. Stories from around the world. Books. Gifts from other countries. A jar of sand from all the beaches I go to. Rocks from travels of friends and family. (I don’t know, it is a really cute collection I have.) Pictures. Tickets. Funky shapes and colored knick-knacks picked from the humblest of markets.
Two. The sweet smell of plain vanilla bread. Nothing fancy. Just warm vanilla bread and fresh cut strawberries.
Three. Self-expression. Paintings. Music from famous, but not-so-much artists. Today they are Dylan, Will Linley, Dodie, George Ezra, etc. A lot of brown lipsticks, colored eyeliners, face stickers. A daring wardrobe – red frilly skirts paired with purple sweaters and tan orange bags.
Four. Love and hope. Mirrors. Friends. Family. Blood and water. Golden retrievers. Tiny birds. Turtles. Fish. Blankets and popcorn for movie night. Large dinner table. Cute, well-lit corners. Balconies to eat leftover chocolate cake and talk about the future at 2 AM.
Five. Space for more.
That’s all!
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