Category: 30 Days Of Writing So I Can Get Me A Nice Bag
I often miss home
Good evening. Writing this one from a warm, cosy corner I’ve found in Oshiwara. I’ll start right away. One. Today is Day 7/30 for these blogs. This is Day 7 of writing these blogs. Which is literally a week’s time. And you know what — come to think of it, doing things regularly is not…
Doing events, old ads & trade-offs
The day has been a long one. With a backlog of sleep from last night — I watched a creepy reel and couldn’t fall asleep, plus an all-nighter ahead of me — there’s an important college presentation tomorrow. Club that no afternoon nap and tired eyes. Do I preach? No. Must I practice? Only way…
She’s so back.
Come what may, this one shall get published. It’s been 125 days since this blog got an update. There have been drafts and half-done pieces, but nothing has gone out to the publics. That changes today. Here are a few updates — from life generally and simply today. One. I got my AirPods. Long story…