Category: Diary Entry
Lemon Rinds
The opening line for yesterday’s unwritten, unpublished blog post was – “I have just had Butter Chicken; the light in my room is a warm yellow; life feels good.” But I could not get myself to writing it. I did write an equally lengthy mail/report to @Saurabh though. To which he (basically) said: If you can write…
New home, birthday and routines
I have exactly 20 minutes to write before the calendar clocks in. I’d spend till 2:30 last night figuring out Instagram’s reel editor, writing a couple of LinkedIn posts and setting up video-settings on my phone and laptop because I plan on recording a lot of podcasts and sit-down chatty videos this summer. Haha –…
Mid-Week check-in.
Good morning, from a super tiny table that I am struggling to work out of in the Fun Republic Starbucks. Here’s a postcard: (Should I make this a thing? Post a picture of where I am writing every blog post?) So, what am I thinking today? One. A lot of people in the last few…
Becoming That Bitch
Every single piece that I have started with a good evening has never gone out. But this evening is different. It had the prettiest, most magical skies. And I am determined. So, good evening! People actually read these blogs. Most of these are just my fuckery on the Internet. To please my whims and fancy.…
On writing (dot com?)
My first encounter with a Greetings-of-the-day email was at 16. I read it on Fufs’ laptop. And mocked him a lot – I thought wasn’t cool, wasn’t ✨ giving. ✨ Today at 12:18 AM of October 27, 2023, I think it is the most rational choice. A blanket wish. The only problem is – it is…
Friday. Let’s get things done!
So first I thought I will skip writing this because I am tired. Then I chose to cancel that excuse. Then I thought I’ll angry + lame talk because I am cranky/upset + lazy. Then I decided if someone – anyone — ANY. ONE. — in the world reads this, I should do an honest…
Vibed out.
OKAY SO TIME FLIES LIKE fast. Last I was here was 6 days back. Then, little sick – little long day – little college busy, and then I did not write. I tried. Here’s the random draft, in case you want more of my crappy crap :p On to today. I have a day off. My mind…
Bad day today :/
Hello! My eyes and cheeks and jaws and tongue and pre-frontal cortex feel CLENCHED right now. Mostly happens when I am upset, tired and feeling meh about myself. Right now, it’s a combination of all three. Upset: Lost my glittery pouch + feeling mini-behind on something Tired: Bad sleep I think Feeling meh about myself:…