Category: Documenting daily lessons
Stakeholder Report: July
Time flies faster than all fairies and all witches. Especially if you have fallen off-track. Which is why it helps to have a self-reporting structure in place. These Stakeholder Reports are mine. I like to write a long-ish update + send it to every single person I know. Last month’s report is here. Each edition has…
Stakeholder Report: May + Jun 2024
At the end of each month, I write a Stakeholder Report. The idea is to zoom out, ponder over life and ask myself deeper (and, often difficult) questions. The last report is here. I missed out on May Report. I took a tiny break from work in Gorakhpur. And when I came back, I spent more…
New home, birthday and routines
I have exactly 20 minutes to write before the calendar clocks in. I’d spend till 2:30 last night figuring out Instagram’s reel editor, writing a couple of LinkedIn posts and setting up video-settings on my phone and laptop because I plan on recording a lot of podcasts and sit-down chatty videos this summer. Haha –…
In the Growth Session yesterday, we talked about growth. How do you know you’re growing, how do you set goals, what does growth even look like — all those things. Got me thinking. For as long as I remember, I have always wanted to + work towards getting better. Perpetual levelling up. It started off…
Stakeholder Report: Apr 2024
If you do not sit down for a minute, look back and ask yourself a couple of difficult questions, you risk losing your footing. Thus, this Stakeholder Report.
Becoming That Bitch
Every single piece that I have started with a good evening has never gone out. But this evening is different. It had the prettiest, most magical skies. And I am determined. So, good evening! People actually read these blogs. Most of these are just my fuckery on the Internet. To please my whims and fancy.…
Stakeholder Report: Mar 2024
The world has put far too much time, money, faith and energy in me for me confidently say that I am a business. Thus, this monthly Stakeholder Report.
We are so back!
I want a big life. I want a really, really big life. These days, every time I find myself in a shitty moment that makes me feel small and defeated, I repeat that to myself.