On communication. And other things.

Today has been a good day. Slept in a little, college was just an hour, gymmed, ate my favourite kadhi-chawal, got two cappuccinos, Cerebral Quotient v0 looks more real now, graduation is nearing, got some uber-cool interviews for my capstone assignment, revived my Whatsapp friends-from-the-Internet group, canceled a dinner plan to finish a few things, will stay up a little longer and play a little with Cursor and Make. Right now, working out of a friend’s place.

Will go make some bacon strips + cranberry juice for dinner in a bit. But for now, here are a few thoughts.

One. Abstraction, assumption and context.

One of the best videos I’ve watched on communication + often go back to is actually from a Computer Science lecture. Here’s a 6 minute segment I really insist you watch from it. Also, this is the full lecture if you’re interested. And yes, there’s a Lecture 0 to this as well.

This well-made sandwich picture is an easter egg from the video.

Assuming that you’ve watched that video, here’s why I find it extremely valuable. Two things — Abstraction and Assumptions.

Abstraction, to make it very simple, is taking complex information and distilling it into simpler, more manageable forms. In communication, this means we rarely convey every single detail. We select what we believe is relevant. What you think is relevant differs person to person. Now, people use multiple abstractions from multiple sources to make sense of the world around them. Now, since abstractions leave out many details, most people fill up the gaps with their assumptions. Assumptions that are shaped by cultural background, exposure, etc etc. Which also differs person to person.

This game of abstractions and assumptions we play in our everyday lives makes space for misunderstandings – the greatest devil of them all.

The solution? Now, I’m no linguist but here’s my two paisas.

  1. Be mindful of the abstractions and assumptions you make in every conversation. More so, if you’re dealing with someone you have a large context gap from.
  2. How much detail do you offer before both parties are on the same page? In fact, here’s another video on this for you. The lesson: Assume zero context and build from thereon.
  3. Ask the dumbest, silliest questions. If something doesn’t make sense, double-check with the other person. Do they mean what you understand?

Two. Micro-thoughts.

  1. Having people over is such a cool thing. Above my desk, you’ll see a few sticky notes with sweet messages from all the friends who’ve crashed at Clubhouse- that’s what I call my house. From Jay, Naman, Anya, AC, etc. And I find it really heartwarming.
  2. Every time I stop writing, I have to start with these lists of micro-thoughts. Till my brain can finally start digging out more things to say. To be honest, off-late I haven’t found much to say. But we shall try and find more things to talk about.
  3. Oh, I watched part of Nick Bilton’s interview on My First Million. These podcasts are one of my favourite things to listen to. Used to be my lunch-media, now it’s my cardio-media. Bilton seems to be a bold, fearless journalist. Now I’m inspired to finally pick back my copy of American Kingpin.
  4. Last night, around midnight, I got this a random, intense pain in my ear. And sore face/throat muscles. Woke up with a worse pain. Which is part reason why I slept in. Not a planned, comfortable luxury. Popped a pill in morning. Must get it before I nap — I feel it coming back.
  5. A lot of my friends and family are sick right now. Similar symptoms — acid reflux, diarrhea, sinus, cold, etc. What’s wrong with the world. Do we all have a collective dust and water allergy? Is everyone eating something bad? Should I gift an air purifier + a guide to setting up a kitchen in their houses?
  6. Simply co-existing with people is a beautiful thing. A friend and I are working together right now at their home. Every 30 minutes, one of walks up to other, says nothing, breaks into a silly dance move for 10 seconds and both of us go back to work. Isn’t that the coolest?
  7. An update on C4E Spotlight Sessions. Last two weeks, I’ve been unable to spend time on curating the next session. Been busy with exams, perhaps also lazy. And thus, have had to push the show by a week twice. I don’t like this. Also, I really like putting these together — so I’m attached and have some kind of internal pressure to do them. Maybe that’s why I’ve also procrastinated on them. You know what I mean? Because I don’t. Anyhow, must figure!

And this it lads and lasses.

I shall see you tomorrow.


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