Come what may, this one shall get published.
It’s been 125 days since this blog got an update. There have been drafts and half-done pieces, but nothing has gone out to the publics. That changes today. Here are a few updates — from life generally and simply today.
One. I got my AirPods.
Long story short: I had made a bet with Saurabh a few months back that if I did one thing consistently for a month, he would get me these. And I tried and failed and tried and failed may many times. But last Feb, I finished this challenge.
Had attempted posting one pretty picture + a 100 word caption every single day. It felt easy. So, I’d added my own layer of editing the pictures a certain way and using a new lens flare on each of them. Plus, each caption was actually 200 words long. She overdelivered, yes.

I don’t think I ever reported the aftermath of this to the world. So, here goes.
- I did not really want the AirPods after having finished my challenge. Maybe I’d put up this big, flashy, non-sensical reward for myself because it seemed unattainable. But the chase was fun!
- I had not finished any of these random side-quests in my life for a long time now. In fact, the last such thing I was proud of doing was the effort I’d put in my 10th grade exams. And that was a pretty undermining feeling. Having done this, I feel like there’s hope for me. And that I could do more things. That it’s worth trying. So that.
- For some reason, the publics liked reading the daily updates. A few friends and strangers told me they’d look forward to the pieces. Plus, actually enjoyed reading the full thing. And I’ve taken that as enough reason to write more publicly.
- I must admit — off late I’ve felt that there is no point to writing things online. That it’s repetitive and everyone has the same thoughts. And it’s all for selfish reasons. Etc etc. Frankly, I was disillusioned. I’ve re-realised why writing in public is important. I’ve even made this postcard to commemorate this realisation.
- I call these AirPods Blueberry Jam. So, a random quirk I have is — the names of all my Apple devices are ingredients to a dish. Right now, I have — Toast, trail mix, blueberry jam and yoghurt. Here’s the vision, powered by Imagen 3.

Two. I went to ISB in Hyd for an interview.
This was a very interesting experience. I had applied for their i-Venture immersive entrepreneurship program. Pitched Decoding Draupadi, had a lot of fun with the application, didn’t think I would make the cut. Then, on a random drive with a couple of friends, got the email that I should be on campus for an interview round.

Flew down with zero expectations. Maybe just catching up with Sneha, Japnoor and Pragya. Seeing + learning from a new ecosystem. And a little biryani.
I was able to do all that minus the Biryani. Wrote about it here.
Honestly, I had a lot more to say about the day then. Lost a lot of it over time. Must document more often. But, this was worth saving — so here.
Three. A list of tiny little things from the day.
- Skipped cardio today. Now that the novelty of gym has worn off, I’ve started to find the cardio part really boring. I wish I had a friend to go in with. Still, I finish my entire session before stepping out. Today, however, I did 45 minutes of weight training and then came back home. And slept in for a couple hours. College was late and thus.
- College was the usual. Spent some time playing with AI tools and figuring out WhatsApp bots and workflows and all that. Then, prepared for a presentation. Strolled in the college flea for a little bit. And came back home.
- Lunch was a very yummy quinoa bowl. I miss my hot girl bowls. Maybe I will ask Asha didi to make more of those now.
- Spent some time with Naman Garg today. He was visiting Bombay and spent a lot of time with us. We talked work, got McDonald’s, took him to Jamjar and had some laughs. Oh, also, let this be known he’s the sweetest chap.
- The v0 of product on Cerebral Quotient has started coming together. I might have a working link for you in a couple of days. Have to get the marketing act in place. Keep an eye out?
- Could have met Manish for a little bit today. Couldn’t — had a few calls lined up. But that’s alright. I have decided I don’t have time for FOMO.
- Have a few ideas on what to make out of Decoding Draupadi. You shall see.
- Got myself a tiny laptop table to work from my bed. Lord knows I miss my ghar wali choti chauki. A friend had a similar one in their home and I got into the habit of working from those again. So, I got one for my room as well. It’s not the best but that’s all Blinkit had. And nowadays, I prefer getting things quicker via Blinkit rather than waiting for Amazon’s same-day delivery. So that. It’s got a tiny cup holder that perfectly fits my Starbucks cup and I love that.
- Feeling a little exhausted this evening. Was pretty quiet at dinner as well. Now, co-working with a friend in a aesthetically lit room and this feels peaceful. Shall go to bed right after I post this.
I’ll be back with a better post tomorrow.
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