These are MY people.
One year back, I stumbled upon an eccentric man’s website. So I tweeted him a hello-let’s-do-something-together. That is how I met Saurabh Garg, Chandni Menda and Pooja Sahatiya. And the rest of C4E of course. We’re a village that way.
Thing is, C4E is THE VILLAGE it takes.
The village it takes to build things. To build a life. To build your dreams.
It’s home, it’s the unknown waters, it’s the pats on your back, it’s the springboard, it’s the grounds to fail.
Having spent a year here, I submit to you:
📌 The Culture Book stands true TO EVERY SINGLE WORD.
📌 You meet the smartest, kindest, hard-working-est people here.
📌 Your life won’t be the same, 100% in a good way.
We say, Choose-Your-Own-Adventure 🎢
My greatest adventure here is Decoding Draupadi 💄. To fall and fail, to rise and try again. Chandni says, the only hack in life is to find people who put their trust in you and to work hard to earn that trust every single day. I agree. Most of what I know, I have either learnt with her or borrowed from her. The remaining came from Prakruti, Kaushik, Ahilya and of course Pooja Sahatiya. Oh, and like a minuscule of it from Saurabh‘s early morning Twitter links.
People say, Go to the artist’s colony 👩🏽🎨
Which means, go where your passions are seen as a valid way of doing interesting things. C4E is my artist’s colony. We are the greatest set of hustlers gathered in a single place – intentionally, not some Brownian motion. We want to blow away people’s minds. We are way too ambitious – and proudly so. And we work really hard to keep it that way.
You see? This is a sacred, really powerful space. When you are here, you HAVE to keep your AK game on. These people help me + inspire me to keep my AK game on – no matter how crappy life gets. I often say, with you and for you, I’d put the world on fire. That.
I think I can do a lot with C4E. And that it does a lot for me. Of course, someday we might outgrow each other – that’s the point. But until then, I know I have a couple of mountains to move. I guess what I really want to say is, I have just been planted 💣
Anyhow, Chandni, Pooja, Prakruti, Kaushik, Ahilya, Vaishnavi, Daniya, Muskaan, Shivani, Serah, Ved and Saurabh, love you. Thank you. As Taylor Swift said, we will be remembered.
Sic Transit Gloria,
PS: It is 3:56 AM rn. ANYONE I missed tagging here, it’s just the droopy eyes I PROMSISE, ILOVYOUE.
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